During the past seven (7) years, I have worked with West Coast Contractors (WCC) on three (3) public improvement projects. They served as the prime contractor on our Coyote Creek Bridge Structure Repair and Brice Creek Road Slide Repair projects during 2006. And most recently on the Sweet Creek Road Retaining Wall Replacement project, which is in the final wrap-up stages after nine months of construction.
The replacement project was designed and bid with two tieback retaining walls connected with a 243 foot long concrete bridge. However, throughout construction the bridge morphed from its original design length to its final current length of 1,130 feet. At the onset of construction WCC immediately presented the County with a Value Engineering Plan (VEP) which proposed replacing the deepest sections of the wall with a concrete bridge. The VEP was evaluated and accepted by the County. The VEP changed the project from a single three span bridge, to two bridges with eleven spans and eliminated all double tieback sections of the retaining walls. During excavation for the remaining portions of the retaining wall, the rock material that was identified as bedrock during subsurface geotechnical explorations was found to instead be huge boulders stacked on top of the bedrock. After excavation, the pile embedment was found to be insufficient for the design forces on the retaining wall. The project design and construction teams consulted and determined that, due to this highly unusual differing site condition, it would be impractical and not cost effective to continue construction of the original tieback retaining walls. The project team collectively decided to change the design to add four additional spans to the bridge to expedite construction and avoid the risk of encountering these issues with the remaining tieback wall construction. The two bridges were combined into a single 15 span bridge.
The construction presented many challenges due to the narrow width of the road and the need to keep the roadway open to traffic. WCC was restricted to road closures during the weekday and was required to open the roadway for 5 minutes each hour to permit traffic to pass through the work zone. Full nighttime road closures were required in order to perform some of the drilling and excavation work. All work had to be done in a narrow 24 foot wide corridor with a solid rock bluff on one side and the Siuslaw River on the other. The bridge was constructed in two stages with the river side (westbound) half being constructed first. WCC worked closely with the County to contain costs on this $5 million project; negotiating eight (8) separate contract change orders and yet we were able to keep increases to less than 5.5% over the original bid amount.
WCC, along with their entire team of subcontractors and suppliers, are to be commended for delivering an outstanding project to the citizens of Lane County. Working with the entire WCC Team on this project, headed up by Julian Koerner as their project manager and Trevor Gardner as their onsite superintendent was a pleasurable experience. The County looks forward to working with the WCC Team again in the future. I write this Letter of Recommendation without any reservation whatsoever. I highly recommend WCC for any public works project they feel they are qualified to perform. Please call me a 541.682.6994 if you would like to further discuss their qualifications.-David L. Brown, P.L.S., Construction Services Manager | Project Manager Lane County Public Works Department
It's a pleasure to take this opportunity to recommend West Coast Contractors. West Coast has worked for our company on previous projects, and I have personally worked with them on the Isthmus Slough Bridge replacement project. The scope of their work on this project included the installation and removal of three large cofferdams, structure excavation inside the cofferdams and installation of the permanent foundation pile within the cofferdams. The cofferdams were constructed using up to 75-ft long sheet pile, they contained multiple rings and were excavated to depths of approximately 25-ft below the river bottom and 45-ft below the surface of the water. There were over 10,000 LF of 24-inch diameter pipe pile driven inside these cofferdams. West Coast did a very good job for us on this project; they were very professional and knowledgeable with their work. They worked diligently and applied the necessary resources to meet the critical in-water work schedule requirements of this project. I would not hesitate to use them again on future projects and am happy to recommend them to others, especially when water work, deep foundations, pile driving and other similar work is required. Again, it is a pleasure to recommend West Coast Contractors. If further information is needed, please feel free to contact me at (541) 485 - 1700.
-Eric Holland, Project Manager, Wildish Standard Paving Co.
West Coast Contractors (WCC) was a valuable asset to our team during our 2008 Focused Sediment Remediation and Oyster Habitat Restoration at our Former Ore Transfer Facility in Coos Bay, Oregon. The job had many complexities and required work with multiple agencies including Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, National Marine Fisheries Service, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. WCC was innovative in their approach to conducting the work while completing the job in a timely, cost effective and safe manner, and in compliance with permits and cleanup requirements.
-Kris McCaig, Senior Environmental Coordinator
I have known West Coast Contractors for many, many years and have never had a chance to dig in with a big project, working with their team really made all the difference in the world...
- Don Mann, Port Manager-Newport OR (NOAA)